Maximum effectiveness in minimal space.
Bursting with benefits within just 55 cm, the SpaceCombi® has all the power of a combi oven but is 40% smaller – and there’s no compromise on features.
A team player for all kitchens, the SpaceCombi® boasts six GN 1/1 inserts, an intuitively guided cooking operating concept, automatic cleaning and a range of other advantages
all in one small, attractive package.
MagicPilot touch & slide operating concept with capacitive true colour touch screen- as simple & intuitive as your smartphone.
MKN Guided Cooking with autoChef, ChefsHelp, VideoAssist, Favourites and BarcodeScan.
AutoChef – automatic cooking includes more than 250 preselected international cooking processes which can be individually modified.
ChefsHelp & VideoAssist – interactive user assistance with clips featuring professional chefs.
SES – Steam Exhaust System, steam extraction for safe operation.
Hygienic cooking chamber door with sealed triple glazing.
WaveClean – automatic cleaning system.